It's fun, free and FLEXIBLE: how 1000-milers make the challenge their own — Walk 1000 Miles

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It's fun, free and FLEXIBLE: how 1000-milers make the challenge their own

#walk1000miles is the most versatile challenge on the planet – one that can be pimped, augmented or altered as circumstances dictate. Its 2.74 miles a day target is a friendly spur, not a sword of judgement waiting to chop you down. Here’s how some of our members are making the challenge their own…


‘I gave myself an extension’

In 2020 I planned to walk 2020 miles but then lockdown happened and I got a bit behind. Once I could walk more again, I found myself getting obsessive with walking, which took the fun out of it. I decided to ease off, and gave myself an extension so I could complete it. It took a few extra days and was definitely worth it!

Katrina Scott


‘I now count ALL miles’

As this is my third year of doing the challenge I was determined to only count ‘boots on’ miles. That was until I broke my ankle in February. My recovery has been slower than I’d hoped, but I’m not giving up. But the only way I’m likely to complete 1000 miles this year is to count total miles.

Susanne Simkins


‘I walk new paths and hills’

This year we’ve decided to include a new path to walk each week (it must be one we’ve never done before) and a new hill to climb. It’s given us the opportunity to explore our local country more, and we’ve found some amazing places.

Leanne Woodall


‘I only pretend to count my miles!’

l start counting my miles then l get fed up with doing it. So l keep walking, hiking and reading my mag and keeping in touch with other Country Walking Badgers. I don’t worry about breaking the rules because l love the #walk1000miles challenge even though I only pretend to count the miles. Lol!

Debbie Ellson


‘I’ve changed from miles to km’

It’s been so difficult to get walks in as work has become increasingly time consuming, so I’m relying on my daily dog walk. I’m not going to make 1000 miles, so I’ve decided to do 1000km instead!

Ken Clarke


‘I like to run too’

I like how flexible this challenge can be. Being also a runner, I like adding some challenges on the way, so spend some days or weekends trail running and exploring a new area.

Nadege Rutter



‘I’ve walked up buildings’

This year I found my enthusiasm had waned, when I saw a charity challenge to climb the equivalent of the tallest buildings in 30 countries. It took me 37 days and I did it climbing my local hills and my stairs (as I live in a flat part of the country). It has done the trick and I’m really enjoying some flat walks now!

Jacqui Wood


‘I’m trying out new pubs!’

I’ve set myself an additional challenge to have a beer in a different pub following a walk! I was initially going to go for 100 pubs, but thought that might be too many, so decided to go for 50. I’m already at 46! I list all the pubs on my phone and it’s nice looking back, as each pub reminds me of the walk I did, who I was with and any interesting things that may have occurred.

Rebecca Johnson


‘I’m catching up… on wheels!’

I damaged my achilles tendon in February, which has slowed me down a bit. I’m trying to get the mileage up in the evenings after work, though I’ve sneaked in a few miles cycling to play catch-up and to give my ankle a bit of a break.

Geraldine Allan