FAQs — Walk 1000 Miles

Sign up to Walk 1000 Miles today


What do I do now?

Put at its simplest, you walk an average of 2.74 miles a day in 12 months. Today is a perfect time to start.

Put slightly less simply: you invest a bit of time in yourself and start to feel better and better; you join a community that knows how you feel and is keen to help with any question you might have; you make friends and you share discoveries and delights; you see yourself in print perhaps and feel a giddy glee; you smile a bit more, sleep a bit better and start having naughty thoughts about outdoor gear. You get complimented, wear a badge for the first time since you were six and enjoy rain. It’s weird. Sign up now and you’ll get our monthly newsletter and all your next steps.

Am I too late to start?

Nope. You can give yourself 12 months from the day you start. You don’t have to have started on 1 Jan. The best time to start is today. If you were determined to start and finish in the current year you might be surprised to know how manageable your daily target miles are, even if you don't start until February, March or beyond. Even if you started in April you can hit the required daily mileage in an hour of brisk walking.

How do I record my miles?

Any way you choose but our recommended method is by downloading the OS Maps app (iTunes / Android), which has a mileage accumulator feature specially developed for #walk1000miles. Combined with the paper Progress Tracker Chart you get from Country Walking magazine (essential for entering all competitions throughout the year) you are all set! Otherwise you can use a wearable activity tracker, app on your phone, use a map and a piece of string or with the help of Google Maps. You can see what most people in our Facebook group are using by clicking here, and you can keep tabs on how your daily average target changes by using our instant mileage tracker on the challenge homepage. Just enter your total miles so far to find out how many you've got to average a day for the remainder of the year. (Tip: miles put in early on really help your motivation later in the year!)

What miles / steps can I count?

It’s up to you to set the rules – it’s YOUR challenge, not a competition. Many people, particularly those starting from a lower fitness level, will choose to count every step. Most will count they all the miles they do that they wouldn’t have done before – and whether it’s in your lunch break, skipping the bus, round the block or in the country it all adds up. Some will count only the miles they cover with walking boots on – that's what people mean when they refer to 'boots on' miles. It's up to you, and the only person you’re competing with is the Old You – so as long as you’re walking more than them, you’re winning.

Is there a winner?

No. #walk1000miles is not a race to the finish and the only person you are competing with is last year's version of yourself! Your milestones will be celebrated by the community as heartily whether it's 10, 50 or a multiple of 100 you're hitting. The main thing is surprising yourself not impressing anyone else – but we're pretty sure you will do both!

Are there any rewards?

Apart from your fitter, happier, sleeker new self you mean? There’s a fantastic medal which you can buy from our shop.

Where do I get my progress chart?

Here’s how.

I'm new to the community Facebook group – is it okay to ask questions?

Yes! There is a huge amount of experience in the group and everyone is delighted to help each other out. Talking is good! Please don't stay quiet. And now the group is so big, posting and commenting is the best way to stay involved in conversations and make friends – there is too much going on to keep track of every single post and person. 

What’s a badger?

Anyone who wears the challenge badge!

Who’s behind this?

Country Walking, the UK's best-selling and fastest-growing walking magazine, which has been continuously published every month for the past 30 years.

I have more questions

Head to this 'pinned' post, always available at the top of the group's home page and post your question. If you're really stuck, click 'About us' at the foot of this page for contact details.