What people say — Walk 1000 Miles

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What people say

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My initial reaction was ‘Yeah right! Not a chance!’ Now I can honestly say walking has been my saviour. I am chuffed to bits to say I have completed my challenge!

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What a fantastic year it’s been. On the 15th Jan I picked up the ‘I’ newspaper in a hotel and saw the article on #walk1000miles. I was 57 years old, overweight, unfit and feeling very low so I joined immediately, bought myself a Fitbit and started this challenge. My parents laughed and said ‘you’ll never do that’. 1200 miles later I’m fitter, I’ve lost almost 2 stone and my mental health has improved. I’ve walked in some amazing places as well as street pounding, hubby and son have joined me on various walks and next year I’m doing Snowdon twice and the Thames Path and Capital Ring. The Facebook group is amazing and I want to say a big THANK YOU! – Karen Feeney

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On the 1 January I started this challenge not believing for one minute that I’d achieve it. I’ve not only reached 1000 miles but I’ve now hit 1500 miles
— Julie Menhennett

We love doing #walk1000miles – it’s the best thing we have ever done.
— Andy Bailey
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Today I reached 2000 miles for the year, and the main thing I'd like to say though is that this is proof that anyone can do this. My biggest single walk all year was one 8 miler back in June. Mainly it's been done in walks of 2 miles or less. You absolutely do not need to be super fit, or go on mega hikes. A little and often is all it takes. I'm 52 yrs old, 3 stone overweight and semi fit on a good day. Somebody once said, look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves. It's true. Just do it! – Andy Broadley

Best thing I ever did… no words, but THANK YOU!

— Linda Webb
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When I started I was 15st 4lb and walking three miles was hard work. Now I am weighing in at 11st 7lb and yesterday completed 21 miles with ease. Walking is the best medicine there is!
— Colin Turner

Gave me the inspiration and support to get back out and enjoy life again
— Emma Nelson
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I’ve grown in confidence with each mile.
— Ann Bolton

I feel happiest when I’m out walking with my family not on the sofa! Best challenge I’ve ever done
— Clair Maskell
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Walking + cake = maintain target weight!
— Rebecca Gabzdyl

I’ve gone from 3 milers at the start of the year, to doing a 26 mile Marathon Walk for charity 2 weeks ago. I’ve found places, paths and streams I never knew existed and my boundaries and horizons seem to stretch with every month. Loving it!
— Pete Winson
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My body shape has changed, I feel fitter and I feel I’ve taught my friends the benefit of walking – one who had been through an absolutely dreadful time loves to go walking now.. she said no matter how bad she feels she always feel better after a good walk and talk!
— Victoria Walsworth

This sums it up!
— Rachel Kirk
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Completely changed my life for the better
— Claire Louise