Welcome to the Country Walking Routes Page! — Walk 1000 Miles

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Welcome to the Country Walking Routes Page!

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You can also use the map below to find all Country Walking routes published since 2022 on OS Maps. To browse for routes, simply zoom and pan the map. Access a route by clicking on an icon for details, then click the OS Maps link. To search for older routes click the square in the top-right corner of the map to maximise its size then click the appropriate year(s) on the left-hand panel.

Our routes are graded Easy, Moderate, Challenging or **Extreme**, depending on distance, terrain, elevation and ease of navigation. Easy and moderate walks are usually less than 8 miles with relatively gentle gradients and good paths. Challenging walks are usually longer, with greater ascent and can also involve more demanding terrain or difficult navigation. PLEASE WAIT WHILE THE MAP LOADS.