#walk1000miles — Walk 1000 Miles

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Inspiring! Useful! Fun! Our 1000-mile-friendly 2024 calendar is shipping now!

The key to happiness is walking, on that we’re all agreed – and the way to do more of that is to be inspired every day, and have somewhere to book your plans in early, before life auto-fills your months. If you’re a walker, this is your calendar.

Our 2024 Walker’s Calendar is the only one designed just for walkers – with the most inspiring images complete with OS maps so you can walk to the very spot they were captured. It’s also packed with seasonal ideas each month that’d make a heck of a life-enhancing to-do list for 2024. There's space to record your daily miles, and tons of useful info like sunrise and sunset times, full moons, and even days to spot meteor showers. And can you really say life is complete without knowing when Naked Hiking Day, National Cake Eating Day and Hug a Tree day, David Attenborough’s birthday and the anniversary of the first time someone drove a car up Ben Nevis is? Oh and did I mention hundreds of you are in it?

Shipping now at an inflation-snubbing £7.99.