Young and fit = old and wise — Walk 1000 Miles

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Young and fit = old and wise

Getting the kids walking will boost their ability to think, remember and learn later in life

Enticing your children to join you in your mission to walk 1000 miles will do much more than simply get them fit. Research at Kobe University in Japan suggests it’ll boost their cognitive function (their ability to reason, solve problems, learn, recall, make decisions and more) not just at school but throughout their lives.

The scientists studied 214 adults and discovered those who’d been physically active aged 12 or under performed better in cognitive tests. MRI scans also showed stronger structural and functional connectivity (relationships between different areas of the brain) in those who had been active children.

The boffins didn’t, however, find a link between exercising when you’re older and better cognitive function. So if your kids get to teendom and decide they’d rather become a goth than go for a walk, worry not – your work is already done.