Top 10 Facebook posts of the month — Walk 1000 Miles

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Top 10 Facebook posts of the month


Click the titles to visit the posts. Just some of the most engaging posts out of 1000s in the friendliest group on the internet!

10 – It’s never too late to start!

It’s a big welcome to Ian Smith who says: “I joined 1000 miles on Facebook yesterday. After reading for over half hour, what you guys have been up to, it was so inspirational. So after today I only got 995 to go...😄”


9 Debbie has a question

“Which, in your opinion, is the best long distance path in the UK – and why?”


8 ‘OS vs Satnav?’

A rather poignant demonstration observed by Penny Mead: “I think this photo gives the answer. We came across this unfortunate vehicle whose driver told us his Satnav took him here .... along Down Hanger, a steep and rugged footpath on our walk today. He was awaiting rescue! How he arrived there and why he'd continued so far is somewhat baffling to say the least! I guess a few people didn't get their parcels today!”


7 ‘Words fail me this morning’

So said Pete Winson of the autumn colour, and no wonder…

6 Meanwhile in Thorp Perrow Arboretum…

Linda Donnelly said: “I have never seen such amazing colours as I did on today’s walk. Absolutely stunning”


5 Kathy has a question that everyone has wondered at some point!

Just how is everyone managing to walk 1000 miles in a year? 

4 Hannah is having a great birthday!

Cake AND a new rucksack!

3 Are you happy with your miles?

The indefatigable Susan Miller wishes you a happy Halloween with a pertinent question.

2 ‘Well, that was a weird one....the sky not me!’

Said Paul Booth of his outrageously beautiful gallery: “Hang on a minute, who else leaves their nice, warm bed at 4am and steps out into the ice cold darkness. And walks up through Wycoller on to the moors by the light of a headtorch? Then this happens... and I know why I do it.”


1 The ever-effervescent Iwona decides to go back in time

She says: “I decided to go back to old me! For a few minutes! Me and my heels. Live, love, laugh and walk 😍 xxx” Aye to that Iwona!
