Top 10 Facebook group posts in March — Walk 1000 Miles

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Top 10 Facebook group posts in March

It can be hard to keep track of all the activity in the friendliest group on Facebook – so here's your monthly digest of the top posts!

The #walk1000miles Facebook group has over 28,000 members and it can seem a blizzard of likes and comments. If you're one of the people who've joined the group but seldom post, or perhaps never have, please know: we'd love to hear from you. Your walks are not too insignificant, your mileage too minor, your pics too dull. Your viewpoint is precious, your presence an encouragement to others and your participation itself a thing to celebrate. And besides, while it sometimes seems the 1000-mile group in particular is a mighty river that flows on by constantly and bewilderingly, it's more fun in a boat than on the bank!

10 Jan makes a gripping confession with which most of us can identify!

9 Ray Turner shot this stunning image of a labrador and her humans (look closer)

8 Margaret walked the walk and talked the talk!

7 The boots and paws that walked 1000 miles. Bravo, Debbie!

6 'Walking through Norwich was like walking through a scene from a Dickensian Christmas Card this morning' said Dougie.

5 Meanwhile in Glenshee...

4 March '17 v March '18: Eilidh is responsible for one of the great #w1ktransformations!


3 Sonia Woodford may have created the World's Smallest Snowman... courtesy of the Pest from the West

2 It could be Middle Earth, yet it's more Middle England...

1  'Sometimes you have to force yourself out... and you always know at the end...
It was worth it 😊'. Ain't it the truth, Erica Linney