To health, to friendship, to confidence — Walk 1000 Miles

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To health, to friendship, to confidence

Meet 3 Walk1000Milers who’ll tell you it might be the greatest decision you ever make.

HEALTH: Julie Swales, 67, Wiltshire

‘I had a fall and broke my wrist three years ago and subsequently discovered I had osteoporosis. But I decided not to let this define me and do my best to stick my fingers up to it by doing the Walk1000Miles challenge. Now I’m amazed how resilient and how much more adventurous I have become, and it has translated into ordinary life too! I now know you can do anything if you put your mind to it and you only regret the things you don’t do. And when you’re out in nature, whatever the weather, you can’t help but be awed by the sights and sounds – it helps put everything into perspective. Walking is freedom and I’m now an evangelist!’ 

CONFIDENCE: David Warden, 60, Hartlepool

‘The support, encouragement and sense of common purpose helps you realise you’re capable of more than you think. I have new friends through the challenge and the local council health walking group is becoming more like a family with more activities planned. And I just love being outside in nature, experiencing the power of the weather and the glory of wild seas, turbulent streams and colourful mountains. This year I walked the Cleveland Way in six days, including one day in the most torrential downpour that lasted seven hours. It was a big mental test to overcome but I feel fitter than I have in a long time.’

FRIENDSHIP: Jacqui Wood, 56, Colchester

‘I lost my dad suddenly in August and it has surprised how much walking has helped me deal with my grief. It has allowed me a way to reconnect with friends as I can suggest a walk, and I’ve made friends too because I’ve mentioned I like walking in conversation and now we walk together. I find just walking and looking up at the sky reminds me how small I am so how small my problems truly are. I wish I could have told teenage me that you can walk anywhere and it’s not just about carrying a rucksack over hills! Walking is part of who I am now and I love it’.