‘I can’t believe it’s me’: how the challenge made a BIG difference in a SHORT time — Walk 1000 Miles

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‘I can’t believe it’s me’: how the challenge made a BIG difference in a SHORT time

It’s not just the miles that build up surprisingly quickly. We asked challengers to tell us how #walk1000miles made a big difference to their lives in just a few months...

Cath Wareing.jpeg

“I love myself again”

HOW IT WAS GOING THEN: I was pretty disgusted with myself and how I'd slipped back into being overweight, unfit and someone who’d lost joy in nature and the outdoors. I binge watched a lot, and crocheted more blankets than I could even gift!

HOW IT'S GOING NOW: I love myself again. I'm more tolerant, focused, productive, and I take pleasure in the smallest, simplest things. I've got a better balance of work, home and hobbies. Despite lockdown restrictions, this year has brought so much to my wellbeing.

Kath Wareing

Sharon Broadbent.jpeg

“I can’t believe it’s me!”

HOW IT WAS GOING THEN: I was so unfit and not in the best headspace.

HOW IT'S GOING NOW: I look in the mirror and I have to pinch myself because I can't believe it's me! All the support from the group and seeing other people's achievements give me a 1000-percent boost (plus a kick up the bottom).

Sharon Broadbent

Sue Bryan.jpeg

No more excuses

HOW IT WAS GOING THEN: I used to make excuses so I didn't have to go outside my front door. I felt safer within my four walls.

HOW IT'S GOING NOW: Just try keeping me in! I still feel safer within my four walls but I don't get anxious about going out. I'm also open to new challenges, my weight has stabilised and I'm walking alone, which I wouldn't have been happy to do before.

Sue Bryan

Lucy Robertson.jpeg

“My bottom is smaller!”

HOW IT WAS GOING THEN: I sometimes didn't leave home for most of the week. I put on lots of weight, comfort ate and was getting very depressed.

HOW IT'S GOING NOW: Thanks to this challenge (and especially a photographic treasure hunt set by Beccy in the East Midlands group), I’ve now exceeded the miles I walked in the whole of last year. My mental health has improved, my bottom has reduced in size and I'm slowly losing weight.

Lucy Robertson

Dawn Colyer.jpeg

“This challenge has changed my life”

HOW IT WAS GOING THEN: I was getting heavier and bigger, and my clothes didn’t fit. I felt depressed, out of control and worthless.

HOW IT'S GOING NOW: I’ve lost over three stone and I’m fitter than I’ve ever been in my life. I feel in control, happy and totally motivated. My life has been changed because I signed up to #walk1000miles!

Dawn Colyer

Mara Barbara Rosso.jpeg

“I’ve lost 18kg”

HOW IT WAS GOING THEN: I ate, drank, smoked, worked and worried too much. Then came Covid and emergency surgery.

HOW IT'S GOING NOW: I walk every day, eat properly, hardly drink, have stopped smoking, and have lost 18kg. I worry a bit about the next operation (which keeps being postponed), but no longer about work – health is far more important.

Mara Barbara Rosso

Jennie McGinlay.jpeg

Fighting cancer-induced fatigue

HOW IT WAS GOING THEN: After three fantastic years of #walk1000miles last year hit me hard with a diagnosis of a rare blood cancer. The fatigue was horrific.

HOW IT'S GOING NOW: This year I built up my walking to two miles a day. Then last month, after a mix up over the time of a hair appointment, I ended up having to walk four miles, albeit broken up into four walks. So I decided surely I can do three. And guess what – I can!

Jennie McGinlay

Natalie Mayhew.jpeg

“I have loads of support”

HOW IT WAS GOING THEN: I had really bad mental health issues and hardly went out.

HOW IT'S GOING NOW: I’m happier and more confident with fewer down days. I go out, and I have loads of support from people in this group.

Natalie Mayhew