Surprise! How to make a 1000-miler's day — Walk 1000 Miles

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Surprise! How to make a 1000-miler's day

A treasured jacket, an upcoming adventure, a horrible realisation, but then! Spirit of #walk1000miles to the rescue!


The spirit of #walk1000miles is a thing often remarked upon; the kindness of strangers, the helpfulness of our peers, the fellowship of our common cause – the challenge is a breeding ground for the best in us. And the latest example is worthy of note – because it shows how completely the spirit unites everyone involved in the challenge.

Steph White joined the challenge in January 2020 and was looking forward to her imminent walk along the 182-mile Coast to Coast path. She’d do it protected from the elements by the Rohan Helix Jacket she bought last year and which she describes as ‘A brilliant investment’.

But alas! As Steph explained in a heart-wrenching post at the weekend, the jacket had gone AWOL. “Having spent two weeks looking for it and driving my family and friends mad by constantly asking them if they've checked their bags/cars/cupboards, I finally admitted defeat. After careful consideration I decided to raid my piggy bank and reinvest in a new one”.

But – double alas! – it was out of stock in her size everywhere.

But then in swooped a surprising commenter who happened to be browsing the group on Sunday afternoon – Managing Director of Rohan, Ian Palmer:

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CW editor Guy meets Rohan MD Ian Palmer last year. Cheers Ian!

CW editor Guy meets Rohan MD Ian Palmer last year. Cheers Ian!

A few hours – and a call from Rohan customer service later – and Steph’s new jacket is on its way, rendering her weatherproof once again for her great adventure.

A great example of the spirit of #walk1000miles at work, and of the genuine nature of everyone’s involvement in the challenge. Thanks Ian, and good luck on your C2C Steph!

PS – As a 1000-mile participant you can get 15% off Rohan gear. You get your discount code at sign-up but if you’ve lost yours, just sign up again here.

And as if by magic…

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