Seven stone down and it's staying off: ‘Walking’s been the saviour of me’ — Walk 1000 Miles

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Seven stone down and it's staying off: ‘Walking’s been the saviour of me’

Before #walk1000miles.

After: ‘Walking’s the single most important change I have ever made’

52-year-old Sarah Peplow from Buckinghamshire walked off weight, asthma and worry on her way to 1000 miles. Awesome, Sarah!

'Before I started walking I was fat, unfit and unhealthy at 16 and a half stone. Since doing #walk1000miles I’ve lost nine stone – and walking has kept the weight off for the first time too. Now my whole mindset has changed – walking has changed my life and my health, physical and mental health. Every mile has made me the person I am now and I’ll keep on walking! My asthma has gone, my arthritis is much improved and my anxiety has got so much better! Walking is the absolute saviour of me! 

'I check in with the #walk1000miles community several times daily as it inspires me. My physical health has improved a million percent. So has my confidence. I have a job now which I excel at and my relationship is in the best place ever after 12 years together. People have described me as an inspiration and come to me for advice on health and fitness. This is the single most important change I have ever made and it’s all due to walking.'

She’s not the only one…

‘I’ve lost five stone and feel so much better’ says Carol Dent, 66, from Lancashire.

‘The past two years had been dire: I was struggling with pain from osteoarthritis in my knees and a trapped nerve in my shoulder coupled with lockdown gloom. 

‘#walk1000miles challenge came at the right time. I picked up my resolve and decided to walk every day. By the end of January I was feeling a bit better; I upped the walking and started a whole food diet. The weight came off, my fitness improved and by May I was back in the hills. Now my knees feel great and I am feeling so much better, physically, mentally and spiritually. Thanks Country Walking!’ 

From feeling down…

…. to on top of the world!