'I walked 1000 miles now I’m off all the pills and feeling chilled’ — Walk 1000 Miles

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'I walked 1000 miles now I’m off all the pills and feeling chilled’

Dave Gent from Swavesey retired in 2021 uptight, in pain and fed up. Then he saw a copy of Country Walking magazine...

‘Having worked full-time since I was 16 I was finding it hard adjusting. Then I read about the 1000 mile challenge. I had no idea if I could do it, but thought I’d give it a go. After a few weeks it’s fair to say I was hooked, and I managed just over 2500 miles last year! When I retired I was on three different types of medication to control back pain and blood pressure. Now my pain has virtually gone, my blood pressure is normal and I don’t take any tablets, with doctor approval. I’m a couple of stone lighter too but the biggest change is in my mental health – in short, just more chilled! On one of my walks about a week or so ago I bumped into a former work colleague/friend. For eight years we were both traffic cops crewed together, but our careers took different paths and we drifted apart. We hadn’t seen each other for well over 20 years. It was so lovely to meet up again and now, thanks to this challenge, we’re back in contact. I would recommend it to anyone! A friend asked me how I planned to celebrate when I reached 1000 miles. My reply was I would go for a walk to celebrate. I wasn’t joking either!’