Meet the king of the badgers! — Walk 1000 Miles

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Meet the king of the badgers!

‘Would you like to see a picture of a badger I took?’ So asked Richard Hampson from Stourbridge, of the prized Walk 1000 Miles mascot. Indeed we would.

And what a surprise! Richard has a garden which backs on to woodland and as a result he's had a few visitors with whom he's become friends.

"They drop the frightened wild animal act for peanuts and cheap dog food from Aldi" he says. "In fact instead of running away from me they run towards me like dogs, and happily run around my feet. And they aren't aggressive at all, though I never touch them or feed them by hand."

Richard's counted as many as 13, as well as three foxes, and has given them names, though says since the badgers all look alike there's only one he can reliably identify: "He's called Chonk. He's a big bugger".