Proof! Walkers DO make the best partners — Walk 1000 Miles

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Proof! Walkers DO make the best partners

When 1000-milers meet, amazing things can happen – as challengers Beccy and Richard prove…

Five years ago Beccy Maltby was in her second year of Walk 1000 miles when she became an admin for the East Midlands subgroup – a big step for a sufferer from anxiety. “Just joining group walks was out of my comfort zone, so the idea of meeting Mr. Right was not even on my radar!” she says. For new husband Richard Walker it seemed equally unlikely – “I used to walk alone before I put my toe in the water with group walks” says Richard, “But once I met Beccy, and made friends with others in the group, I found myself looking forward to them more and more”. Beccy says that first walk “turned my world upside down – we had a connection from the very start which developed into love.” The pair were married last month with their 1000-miler group-mates in attendance, leaving the church under a tunnel of walking poles. 

“Walk 1000 miles has changed my life for the better in many ways” says Beccy, “I’ve got so many more friends, more confidence and Richard has made me believe in myself. Richard says simply “Through the challenge I met and married the love of my life”. 

The pair say walking is a brilliant crucible for companionships of all sorts. Says Richard: “The enjoyment and camaraderie, the banter, fun and laughter, and the sense of achievement felt from completing the group walks has made life so much better.” The couple say they have lots more walking planned, and are look forward to Beccy’s early reyiremeny in 2025, when they’ll embark on a road trip taking in their favourite walking ares, from Northumberland to the South Downs. “There are lots of adventures to be had!” says Beccy – and boy isn’t she right about that?