'I was ashamed to walk in public – now I've lost 6.5 stone and can’t imagine life without walking' — Walk 1000 Miles

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'I was ashamed to walk in public – now I've lost 6.5 stone and can’t imagine life without walking'

Kerry lost 6.5 stone in eight months of healthier eating and #walk1000mile and feels amazing!

In just eight months #walk1000miles has helped turn Dorset’s Kerry Barker from out of breath and embarrassed to not imagining a day where she doesn’t get into the great outdoors.

‘For many years I’ve struggled with my breathing. It’s led me to avoid going out with friends even on shopping trips. Last year I went for a short walk with a friend. Her pace was by no means fast, but I was huffing and puffing and I was anxious as to what she must be thinking. I felt so ashamed – so I decided enough was enough.

‘I decided that as well as walking I needed to change my diet, so I cut out processed foods. I continued to walk the same 30-minute route for a few weeks before adding additional distance. By the end of the first month I couldn’t believe that I’d lost 10kg and walked nearly 200km!

‘The support from #walk1000miles has been invaluable, especially when we can’t meet up with our usual friendship groups. Eight months later I’ve lost 6½ stone and I can easily walk 15 miles. I now look up with a smile on my face when I see others, and I can’t imagine a day where I don’t go out walking.

‘It may seem impossible to start with, but things get easier at each stage. We all have a starting point and through grit and determination we can come out the other end. To anyone starting out please don’t give up – if I can do it anyone can.’