325 miles with 25 days to go! – ‘I never considered quitting’ — Walk 1000 Miles

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325 miles with 25 days to go! – ‘I never considered quitting’

With 25 days to go in her 2022 campaign, Claire Pinel discovered she still had a whopping 325 miles to walk! But rather than fazing her, it gave the Warwickshire-based violinist the focus she needed to achieve what many were keen to tell her was impossible. 

‘I’d done fairly well with my mileage in the early part of the year. Then, on 23rd July I embarked on the Yorkshire Ultra Challenge of walking 100km in one go. But I became unwell and feverish, was encouraged to stop, and did so at the 76km rest point. After that, I lost my walking mojo. With the start of the autumn term I fell further behind, and it didn’t make me feel great. In early December I was at 675 miles and I calculated in the time left it averaged 13 miles a day. I hadn’t realised how far behind I’d got!

‘But I didn’t consider quitting, because I knew how I’d felt after not finishing the Ultra Challenge. I was told repeatedly it would be impossible, but I knew I could do it, and the desire to prove them wrong spurred me on. I also wanted to show my children how a goal can be achieved with determination and effort. I had to set the alarm for 5am, and walk in the dark before work. I’d then walk late each evening. It was tiring, but it felt good to see the deficit falling rapidly each day. After Christmas Eve I had no work for the rest of December, so had several full days to devote to walking. But by 27th December, I still had 116 miles to go. I did a single 20-plus-mile walk each day. I needed to do a marathon’s-worth – 26.2 miles – on the last day. But I did it, and reaching that 1000 felt amazing! I was chuffed to have persevered. It made me feel more confident in myself and what I’m capable of when I push myself. 

‘#Walk1000miles has been transformative for me. Before doing it I literally had no idea of the vast array of footpaths available. I love having the time to think and listen to nature and I’m the fittest I’ve been since having my children. To others who might feel they’re behind I’d say believe in yourself, and visualise how amazing it will feel to reach that goal. And break down the longer distance into more manageable, less daunting chunks, which really helps with a sense of progress and achievement along the way.’