‘I don’t hide from the camera any more’

Kath Wareing, 56, from Berkshire always felt worn out and had been unhappy with her weight for years – until she walked her way to lighter, brighter horizons…

Proud and making plans: Kath now.

Shrinking violet: Kath before.

‘I was a 5 foot 2 inch size 16 busy mum and full time worker who put myself last! I hated being short and round, having creaky knees and night time heartburn/reflux. And I was always too tired to do anything. My husband was diagnosed with diabetes and that moment was a trigger to change our lifestyle. My friend Gill Pick who’d found Walk1000miles challenged me to take part and my love for walking, hiking and mountains, began! As the pounds started to melt away, walking became easier, I went further, I even climbed Snowdon! I now love to wear clothes that fit and I don't hide from having my photo taken. Before, my weight was very much dictated by what goes in my mouth, now my walking allows me to not have to be so strict. I feel proud, and now I’m even planning to walk the Inca trail in Peru in 2027!’