‘Help! I’ve lost my mojo!’ — Walk 1000 Miles

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‘Help! I’ve lost my mojo!’

“How do I get it back?” asked challenger Nichola Davidson (pictured), who was falling behind her 1000-mile target. Luckily, her brilliant co-challengers made her feel groovy again…

It’s about enjoyment, not just grinding out the miles. I’m way behind previous years, and it bothers me sometimes, but it’s not the end of the world. Enjoy it and the miles look after themselves.

Gill Harris

I decided to count all my steps. It’s amazing how many you do while gardening, shopping etc. It doesn’t have to be ‘boots on’ all the time, just keep moving and you’ll get there.

Christine Abbott

I’ve had a hip problem and a bad dose of Covid, so I probably won’t make 1000 miles this year. I’m getting back to shorter walks, appreciating everything that I can do and see, and being in the moment. Sometimes life and health get in our way, and we can’t control that. Go out and enjoy.

Lynn Hanson

You could set challenges which are not about distance – eg. A-Z street names, a photo on every walk, litter picking walks etc. 

Chloe Wells

Look back at the walks you’ve done and, if you take photos, why not print some of your favourites and make an inspiration wall gallery at home?

Nicola Simpson

I find the easiest way is to go out two or three times a day for shorter distances to build up my stamina.

Jill Durrant

This is your challenge – you decide how often, how far, how quick. You’ve already done more than the majority of the population so be kind to yourself – you’ve achieved a heck of a lot – anything more is just jam on top.

Carolyn Hatton