Have cat, will walk 1000 miles! — Walk 1000 Miles

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Have cat, will walk 1000 miles!

You can follow Carla and Laszlo’s adventures on Instagram.

There’s no right way to do your Walk 1000 Miles – or rather EVERY right way to do it, as Carla McCone and her Wainwright-bagging cat Laszlo so wonderfully demonstrate.

The 30-year-old forklift driver from Eggborough in Yorkshire lives in her campervan and is en route to her 1000 miles via mountain, moor and bothy – all in the enthusiastic company of her moggy mate. Trained to wear a harness since nine-weeks old, Laszlo is a fan of river walks, peak-bagging and forest hikes, and even loves water. The pair have wildcamped, hammocked and bothied in the Lake District and Wales – “Anything with mountains for me” says Carla; “Laszlo loves waterfalls, climbing trees and he has a fascination for where the sounds of running water are coming from”. Curious dogs see Laszlo taking refuge in Carla’s rucksack. Soon the pair intend on scrambling up Tryfan – “He’s obviously a better climber than me” says Carla. She’s equipped him with his own warm coat and waterproof for wintry walks, and reckons more cats could be brought up as mile-munching companions. “They’re very agile, and active and instead of hunting, they can happily get all that energy out on long walks and challenging terrains” she says. “He’s such a happy boy and if anything, he wants to go out more than I do now!”. If you see them say hello!