Golden wonders! The final #minichallenge winners of 2021

It’s been a fantastic year of silly, stretching or seasonal hijinks as we seek to stimulate your miles and reward the plucky with money-can’t-buy Golden Badges. The next issue is simply too full to reveal all these winners in, as we would normally, so here they are. If you see your entry here (or you feature in the video below) you’re a winner! To claim your golden badge you need to email Sara now with the address you’d like it to be sent to. Congratulations and look forward to more #minichallenge fun in 2022!

56: Make a badger pilgrimage

The badger has the #walk1000miles mascot since we first sold badges, and someone decided the collective noun for 1000-milers should therefore be ‘badge-rs’. We invited you to celebrate this fact by walking somewhere with badger in the name or connected in some way…

57: ID a mushroom

Find a mushroom in the woods or in the grass and don’t eat it, but ID it confidently through your research – or at least not leaving mush-room for error. There are 15,000 types in the UK, and many are marvellously named. Help:

58 Climb a ‘tump’

A tump is a hill standing 30m clear of its surroundings. There’s one near you! They range from the hill in the local park to mighty Munros. Find one near you: Click your county then select the ‘Full screen map’ checkbox. 

59 Tell us what #walk1000miles means to you

We invited you to answer these three questions on video: 1) What made you want to do #walk1000miles? 2) What difference has it made? 3) What three words sum up the challenge for you? You did it brilliantly. If you’re in this video, you’re a a golden badge winner!

60 Give a compliment

Walking fills us with warm thoughts and a kind word sincerely meant can light up someone’s life. So don’t just think something nice this month, we urged – say it. What have you got to lose? Here’s how our top 4 went. 

Victoria Lewis wanted to pay tribute to another 1000-miler…

Ele Sutton was moved to praise by a nimble pensioner

Rebecca Johnson wanted to pay compliments to the whole community

Richard Inns heaped goodwill on the 30+ badgers who joined his Birmingham Christmas Walk…