A new Country Walking that's out of this world! — Walk 1000 Miles

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A new Country Walking that's out of this world!

The new issue of Country Walking is out of this world! Taking stars, meteorite strikes, and the most amazing walks in the solar system as its inspiration, you won’t find anything like it for lightyears. From the countryside that inspired 2001: A Space Odyssey to the mountain British scientists in the 18th century used to prove the world wasn’t hollow, the UFOs of the Dyfed Triangle, Cornwall’s part in the Moon landing PLUS mind-blowing facts about the sun and the stars to light up every walking conversation, it’s the best magazine for millions of miles!

Also featuring Alastair Humphreys’ greatest adventure (all within his local OS map), the review that will have you excited about the possibilities that open up when you buy a headtorch, a well lubricated Stuart Maconie and a Munro-bagging astronaut!