Youngest 2017 completer: ‘I’d never walked much before’ — Walk 1000 Miles

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Youngest 2017 completer: ‘I’d never walked much before’

We spoke to 2017's youngest completer Alex Wright just after he'd finished his first epic 1000!

How old are you are where are you from?

I'm 11 and I'm from Manchester. I'm in year six at St Mary’s Primary School.

How did you hear about #walk1000miles and what made you want to do it?

Mum told me about it. I like a challenge so I decided to do it and get out in the fresh air more.

What fitness or outdoors interests did you have, if any, before doing the challenge?

I play football and basketball occasionally and I spend a lot of time drawing. But I’d never done much walking before.

How did you record your miles?

With a Karrimor pedometer I wear all the time. I bought it from Sports Direct – it was only cheap but mum says it was spot on with mileage.

What was it like in your first 100 or miles?

Very difficult, I'd never walked that far and we covered that quite quickly in the beginning. My legs hurt!

What changes have you noticed as a result of doing the challenge?

I feel healthier, and feel I could walk a lot further now.

What do your friends think of you doing this challenge, and how did they react to you completing it?

They were very surprised and gave me lots of praise!

Do you think there is much be gained by more young people doing the challenge, and why?

Yes: it gets their legs used to rough ground and it gets them off their devices. They’ll also spend a lot more time with their family and will be able to walk further and feel better.

What's your advice to anyone your age who might be interested in doing it?

Just try your best, you’ll surprise yourself. And IT’S THE EFFORT THAT COUNTS.

What are your stand-out memories from your 1000 miles?

I have lots! All of this challenge has been completed with my mum, and she always gets lost! I remember getting lost at North Stack in Anglesey. We always have fun when we get lost though because it makes us feel like we're on an adventure, which we are in a way. I also remember mum saying that it was snowing in the Peak District, and that was it – we had our crampons on and we're on our way before we knew it. The drive there was scary as the roads hadn't been gritted, but we had so much fun in the snow having snow ball fights.

Did anything go wrong, or were there any low points along the way?

Yes it came to a point where I just started to get bored and wanted to stay inside. But when I went out again I realised why I loved it so much.

What's your next ambition?

To try and do 2017 miles in a year!