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Ordnance Survey: the world's best mapping

‘Everything we do at Ordnance Survey is focused around helping more people to get outside more often. We are passionate about encouraging more outdoor activity and #Walk1000Miles is a great way to motivate yourself to get outside and explore this fantastic country. OS is the perfect companion to help support you in achieving your goals, ensuring that your 1000 miles leads to discovery, adventure and lifelong memories.’
— Nick Giles, Managing Director Ordnance Survey Leisure.

Ordnance Survey strives to make the outdoors enjoyable, accessible and safe with innovative navigation features including stunning 3D mapping and augmented reality, paper maps, guide books, GPS navigation devices, fitness trackers and a range of outdoor gear.

Never has it been easier to find routes for #Walk1000miles. OS Maps includes over half a million ready-made routes across Great Britain, so no matter where you are, you should always be able to find routes to walk away your 1000 miles.

Half-price for Country Walking subscribers, OS Maps is the ultimate navigation tool across all your devices:

-          Cross-platform on mobile, tablet and desktop.

-          Covers the whole of Great Britain, with mapping at 1:25 000 and 1:50 000 scales.

-          Discover over half a million ready-made routes.

-          Record your very own routes and share with friends.

-          ‘My Activity’ – tracks and counts your miles for you.

-          See your routes in stunning 3D and visualise your journey ahead.

-          Find out what’s around you with new Augmented Reality - the easiest way for you to find your next waypoint.

-          Download your mapping offline and never fear signal loss again.

-          Take a paper copy with you - print your maps and routes on A4 and A3.

Signature products – perfect for #walk1000miles

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Don't forget! You get 50% off your OS Maps subscription when you subscribe to Country Walking Magazine!