'I raised £500 and my employer is matching it!' — Walk 1000 Miles

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'I raised £500 and my employer is matching it!'

Kath Wareing, 50 from Bracknell, Berkshireke got some of her miles raising money to walk the Thames Path from Reading to Henley. Her conclusion? 'Fantastic!'


Who were you raising money for and why was it important to you?

My partner was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in Sept 2016 and given little and outdated information from his doctors. Diabetes UK among other independent research avenues made me realise just how little funding and up to date information is available to both the public and medical profession.

How did it go?

Fantastic! We were blessed with a beautiful late summer day in August. All day with great colleagues enjoying the outdoors, adding to our own wellness and raising funds for a fabulous cause.

I raised £500 for Diabetes UK alongside my team members who raised an additional £600 for Alzheimers Society. My £500 should be matched by an additional £500 by my employer in Jan 2018 too.

How does it feel to have made a difference to others through your walking?


It feels incredible to know that those sponsoring recognise the help others need through funding and appreciate the efforts those walking go to in arranging and undertaking the challenge. The more you talk about what you are doing and why – and the enjoyment the activity gives you then the more people will start asking more questions, join in and support you. Definitely do it!

What are you looking forward to in 2018?

I started this challenge as a way to ensure I integrated some type of fitness into my daily life (office job, full time working mum of 3, doing zero activity!). What a change it has made! Now I'm wondering if I can do it just counting boots-on miles in 2018! 
