For health
Walk about hour an hour a day and you’ll be staggered by the health benefits it can bring your body. Find out more and hear from previous participants.

For happiness
It doesn’t care what you look like, it knows how to help – and it tells your worries to go to hell. Read more about why a walk a day makes a heck of a best friend.

For nature
Walking every day sets fire to your sense of wonder in the world around you – and removing even a few petrol-powered miles from your week is a big kindness to the climate. Let’s go!

For groups
Melt those barriers at work, energise your team, meet up with like minds or compete against colleagues – it’s better together! Grab your group progress chart and read all about how.

For weight-loss
Walking has a funny way of knowing the weight you want to be – and getting you there quickly. Read recipes and true life stories.
For adventure
You don’t HAVE to do your miles in amazing places – but the challenge has a funny way of leading you to them…

For charity
Walking does you a power of good – but you can magnify that power many times over doing the challenge everyone will want to sponsor you for. Read more and get your sponsor form.

For fun
It takes all sorts to make a world, and there are even more ways to cover your 1000 miles and amuse yourself along the way… Click here for some ideas.

For families
There’s no greater investment in the health and happiness of your family than going on this quest together. Charts + more ideas are here!